Marketing Academy
Provides business, leadership , entrepreneurship, and marketing skills necessary to be competitive in today’s job market
Business Software Applications
Emphasizes the skills required to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents. Areas of instruction
include the integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software as well as the use
of emerging technologies
Principles of Marketing
Provides students with an overview of marketing concepts and addresses the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and business needs and wants for products and services. Areas emphasized include economics, entrepreneurship, information management, finance, marketing, product and service planning, promotion, pricing, selling, interpersonal skills, and international marketing.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
The sports marketing portion of the course addresses such diverse products as the sporting event itself, its athletes, sports facilities or locations, sporting goods, personal training, and sports information. Entertainment marketing focuses on events such as fairs, concerts, trade shows, festivals, plays, product launches, and causes.
Focuses on the skills needed to organize, develop, create, and manage a business in a variety of environments. Course standards are designed to foster an entrepreneurial mindset; encourage innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving in a fast-paced professional setting; and build basic knowledge of various entrepreneurial ventures.